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Individual Alumnae Awards

Delta Gamma Fraternity offers six awards—the Cable Award, Oxford Award, Shield Award, Loyalty Award, Anchor Award and Order of the Delta Gamma Rose—to honor alumnae whose abilities and efforts have benefited the Fraternity, their community or the nation and world and whose accomplishments have inspired others. Alumnae chapters submit nominations for each award by October 15, with the exception of The Order of the Delta Gamma Rose which has a rolling deadline. Please refer to the Fraternity Individual Alumnae Awards Policy and send the names of any women who are eligible to The women listed below are Minneapolis-St. Paul Delta Gamma alumnae who have been past recipients.

The Cable Award of Delta Gamma

The Cable Award is presented by the Fraternity to recognize alumnae for personal devotion and continued service to the Fraternity. This award is reserved for the alumna who, through her years of serving Delta Gamma, has evidenced unusual loyalty and devotion far beyond normal alumnae participation for at least 10 years.

  • Mary Lee Sears, Alpha Lambda-Drake
  • Dorothy Dietz Hoem, Lambda-Minnesota.
  • Cathy Cairncross Milota, Lambda-Minnesota
  • Marcia Hansen Treichel, Alpha Zeta-Lawrence
  • Catherine "Kit" Stuart Schmoker, Kappa-Nebraska
  • Jane Riebe Schrader, Lambda-Minnesota
  • Xema Balo Davis, Eta-Akron
  • Paula Jean Ellwein, Alpha Lambda-Drake
  • Lynn Rutledge Swon, Sigma-Northwestern
  • Susan Anderson Abraham, Lambda-Minnesota
  • Wendy Uecker Born, Alpha Omicron-Miami University
  • Joni Nelson Larson, Lambda-Minnesota
  • Hoang-Uyen Nguyen, Lambda-Minnesota
  • Christin Giesen, Lambda-Minnesota
  • Amy Ecklund, Lambda-Minnesota

The Loyalty Award of Delta Gamma

The Loyalty Award is presented by the Fraternity to alumnae members who demonstrate outstanding service beyond the Cable Award. This award honors an alumna member who demonstrates extraordinary commitment and an appreciation for distinctive dedication to Delta Gamma for at least 10 years after having received the Cable Award. Her service may be at the international, regional or local level(s).

  • Dorothy Dietz Hoem, Lambda-Minnesota
  • Cathy Cairncross Milota, Lambda-Minnesota
  • Paula Jean Ellwein, Alpha Lambda-Drake
  • Susan Anderson Abraham, Lambda-Minnesota
  • Joni Nelson Larson, Lambda-Minnesota

The Oxford Award of Delta Gamma

The Oxford Award recognizes the alumna who exemplifies the Delta Gamma philosophy of service to her community through volunteer and philanthropic activities. It honors the alumna who takes pride in her community and who, through the years, has devoted her talents to improve the quality of life around her. This award does not require Delta Gamma service.

The Shield Award of Delta Gamma

The Shield Award recognizes alumnae who have achieved unique and noteworthy distinctions through leadership and verifiable accomplishments in their field of professional expertise. This chosen field represents career/professional accomplishments in areas such as the arts, education, non-profit management, civic or religious affairs, healthcare, business, etc. presented to alumnae who achieve unique and noteworthy distinctions through leadership and verifiable accomplishments in their chosen field of professional expertise. This award does not require Delta Gamma service.

  • Lynn Rutledge Swon, Sigma-Northwestern

The Anchor Award of Delta Gamma

The Anchor Award is presented by the Fraternity to confer special honor upon alumnae who demonstrate a lifetime of devotion to the Fraternity. The extent and influence of their noteworthy achievement(s) spread across the entire Fraternity and help advance the Delta Gamma Philosophy. The alumna for whom this award is reserved is a mainstay of the Fraternity and provides reliable support from which all members benefit. 

  • Catherine "Kit" Stuart Schmoker, Kappa-Nebraska

The Order of the Delta Gamma Rose Award

Order of the Delta Gamma Rose Award – This is the highest award presented by the Fraternity and honors alumnae members who have made distinguished contributions to the nation and/or the world. Recipients are renowned in their chosen fields and have received international recognition because of their individual efforts and talents.

  • Marilyn Tickle Bryant, Lambda-Minnesota
  • Christine Meyer Clifford, Beta Chi-Denver
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