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Lambda chapter


In the spring of 1882 an Omega alumna, Eloise Johnson MacArthur, wrote to Max Vander Horck, a Minnesota Phi Delta Theta, asking him for the address of some woman who might be interested in establishing a chapter at the University of Minnesota. He turned the letter over the Louise Cady, a sophomore, who then began the necessary steps for establishment. A charter was issued on June 5, 1883 naming nine charter members: Louise Cady, Louise Hollister, Bessie Laythe, Annie Jefferson, Jennie Alden, Mary Irving, Adelia Kiehle, Mattie Green and Amelia Moulton. 

  • Anna Louise Cady was born in Winnebago City, Minnesota. She graduated from Blue Earth High School, Minnesota and entered the University in 1881. 
  • Louise Elma Hollister was born at Caroline Depot, New York. When she matriculated at the University in 1879 her home was in Janesville, Minnesota. She had received her preparatory education at the Winona Normal School. She graduated from the University in 1883, Phi Beta Kappa and the Valedictorian of her class.
  • Bessie Laythe was born in the Province of Quebec, Canada in 1860. She came to Minnesota in 1865. When she entered the University in 1878 her home was in Chatfield, Minnesota where she received her preparatory education. She graduated from the University in 1884.
  • Annie Harriet Jefferson was born in Duluth, Minnesota but apparently moved to Minneapolis in childhood for she received her preparatory education in the Minneapolis Public Schools. She entered the University in 1878 and graduated in 1883 with a Bachelor of Literature degree, the Salutatorian of her class.
  • Jennie Alden was born in Rochester, Minnesota. She received her preparatory education in the Minneapolis Public Schools and entered the University of Minnesota in 1880. On December 9, 1885 she married George S. Grimes, a Minneapolis lawyer. They had six children, one of whom, Helen, was initiated by Lambda chapter in 1917.
  • Mary Eliza Irving was born in Steele Center, Minnesota. She attended the nearby Owatonna High School and the Minnesota Academy. She entered the University in 1880 and graduated in 1885, the Salutatorian of her class.
  • Adelia May Kiehle was born in Preston, Minnesota. Ada received her preparatory education in the St. Cloud Normal School and entered the University in 1882, graduating as a Salutatorian in 1886. Ada was the first in a family of Delta Gammas. Her daughter, Rachel ing Snedecor, was a member of Upsilon chapter, and her granddaughter, Katharine Snedecor North, of Beta Delta chapter.
  • Mattie Green came to the University from Tower City, Dakota Territory. Very little data is available on this founding member of Lambda chapter.
  • Amelia Christiana Moulton was born in Monticello, Iowa. She received her preparatory education in Monticello. She was a member of the class of 1884, registered in the scientific department of the University.

The story of the beginnings would not be completed without a portrait of the University of that time. Like the Fraternity, it was in the very early stages of its development. There were ten faculty members; one academic building, Old Main; one publication, the Ariel; five student organizations, the Student Christian Association, the YMCA, three literary societies; and four fraternities, Chi Psi, Phi Delta Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Delta Gamma. Financial condition was not a real factor in the make up of the student body. There was no tuition, only an incidental fee of $5.00. Thus aside from housing costs for the rural student, there was no financial pressure. The students came from all walks of life impelled by a desire for academic learning with the only prerequisite for admission a demonstration of ability. When one considers that there were a mere 222 students and of that number only 76 were women one realizes the small proportion of people of that time who were both motivated and qualified to attend the University.

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